Course Description
This 2-day course is designed for medical practitioners (physicians, therapists, nurses and lymphoedema therapists) who value incorporating rehabilitation into comprehensive breast cancer care to prevent and limit the side effects of treatment. This evidence based course includes theoretical and practical content and aims to improve attendees application of commonly used tests and measures in oncology care, advance manual skills, and sample applied rehabilitation exercises in the forms of yoga and Pilates based programs. Topics include diagnosis and medical management for breast cancer, side effects of treatment such as shoulder dysfunction, core compromise, lymphatic cording, post-mastectomy pain syndrome, cardiotoxity, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, fatigue, osteoporosis and dyspareunia. The lymphoedema portion of this course will be a great review for the lymphoedema therapist and to train novice practitioners to assess and treat stage 0 and 1 lymphoedema to prevent irreversible limb changes.
Course Schedule
Day 1
8:00-8:30 Objectives/Introduction 8:30-9:00 Introduction to the Prospective Surveillance Model 9:00-10:00 Cancer Staging and Screening 10:00-10:15 Break 10:15-11:15 Surgeries Lecture 11:15-12:30 Surgeries Lab 12:30-1:30 Lunch 1:30 - 2:30 Lymphatic Cording lecture 2:30 -3:45 Lymphatic Cording Lab 3:45-4:00 Break 4:00-5:00 Post-mastectomy Pain Syndromes
Day 2
8:00 – 9:30 Lymphedema Lecture 9:30 -9:45 Break 9:45-10:45 Lymphedema Lab 10:45-11:00 Break 11:00- 12:00 Medical Management for Breast Cancer; Chemo, radiation, hormones 12:00- 1:00 Lunch 1:00 -2:00 Side Effects Part 1: Cardiotoxicity, fatigue and peripheral neuropathy 2:00 – 2:30 Side Effects Part 1 Lab 2:30 – 2:45 Break 2:45 – 4:00Side Effects Part 2: Osteoporosis, joint arthralgias and dyspareunia 4:00 -4:30 Break-out session
Upcoming Courses
August 17-18th, Christchurch, NZ
- Venue: The Ballroom, Nurse Maude, McDougall Ave, Merivale, Christchurch
- Cost: $750NZ or register by June 30th for $650NZ. Hui Conference participants get an additional $50 off.
- Contact Kate Leech to register. E-mail or phone 0274151046.
August 26-27, 2017, Perth, Western Australia
- Venue: 99 Canning Highway (corner of Salisbury Avenue) South Perth - next door to Como Physiotherapy Clinic
- Cost: $475 US + Eventbrite ticketing fee
- Register here: spaces limited to 28 participants
September 2-3, Sydney, NSW, Australia
- Venue: Chris O'Brien Lifehouse
- Cost: $475 US + Eventbrite ticketing fee
- Register here: spaces limited to 12 participants
September 9-10th, Boston, MA, USA - Register here
"I would recommend this course to anyone working with breast cancer patients in the a private of public health setting. Susannah Haarmann is inspiring in her global quest to improve holistic integrated rehabilitation in this group of patients. Excellent theory & practical sessions that are well-researched ¤t. Very enjoyable." -Lisa Rowe, Nurse Specialist Lymphedema Management (Armindale, New South Wales, Australia)
"I learned exactly what I needed to learn to become the lead PT for our post-mastectomy patients at our acute hospital outpatient department." - Mary Beth Thompson, PT (Alexandria, Virginia, USA)
"Absolutely fabulous course bringing together all the different threads in the fabric of rehabilitation of the breast cancer patient. Unparalleled resources gathered into one course covering both theory and evidence-based interventions. Highly recommended to anyone either new of already working in this area." -Ruth Todd (Gosford, Austalia)
"One of the most comprehensive cancer courses I have taken. Everything I wanted to review. So many questions answered. Susannah is fantastic!" -Marcella Bassora, OTR/L, CLT (George Washington University Hospital, Washington DC, USA)
"The knowledge level of course participants is a tribute to the quality of material, presentation and excellence of Susannah Haarmann." -Eve Mason (Queensland, Australia)
"Such a lovely physical therapist who is generously willing to share her wealth of knowledge. The course and supporting notes are full of information and highly recommended." -Katherine Gallaher (New South Wales, Australia)
"Great update on current research & protocols; has ignited my passion in area & given e the drive to pursue changes to current protocols." -Libby Froyland (Mackay, Queensland, Australia)